

LINK of Hampton Roads, Inc. is proud to offer notary services . Please contact one of our key staff members below by email. We look forward to providing you with this FREE service.

VIEW - Click the drop-down below for more information.

LINK has an on-site food pantry. Our food pantry is a distribution center where hungry families can receive food. We are supplied with food from a food bank. The amount of food distributed is determined by individual and family need. LINK is located at 10413 Warwick Blvd, Newport News, and OPEN 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM.
SNAP provides nutrition benefits to supplement the food budget of needy families so they can purchase healthy food and move towards self-sufficiency.
To get SNAP benefits, you must apply in the state in which you currently live and you must meet certain requirements, including resource and income limits.
Learn more here and check eligibility requirements to see if you qualify.
Already a SNAP recipient? Fresh EBT is a free smartphone app available to check your SNAP balance and purchase history. Fresh EBT also includes a COVID response help center with information about changes to government benefits programs and connections to local organizations and resources. Learn more or download Fresh EBT at
WIC is a federal financial assistance program offered through state governments to assist low-income households in purchasing essential food and supplies for pregnant women, infants, and young children. WIC benefits can be used to purchase infant food and formula as well as nutritional foods like eggs, milk, cereal, peanut butter, fruits, and vegetables. Households enrolled in WIC can access health screenings, breastfeeding counseling, and immunization referrals. Find your state agency for information on applying here. There is no immigration status restriction or requirement for WIC in most states.
Kids from qualified, low-income households can get healthy meals or milk. There are two national programs that provide free or reduced-price meals at school. Both programs require you to apply through your child's school or school district:
You can find more information about these programs and others available in your state by going to your state's agency website.
Other Child Nutrition Programs provide free healthy meals and snacks to kids while they're out of school. If your child is out of school, you can call 211 to see where there are meal sites in your area.
THRIVE Peninsula Food Pantry
View Website and Full Address
Newport News, VA - 23602
(757) 877-6211Food Pantry Hours:
Monday – Thursday: 10:00am – 5:00pm
Fridays 10:00am – 2:00pm
For Holiday Hours, visit their Google Business Page.
Counties Served: Newport News City, Hampton City, York County
All service is by appointment only. Learn more and book an appointment at
View Website and Full Address
Hampton, VA - 23666
(757) 838-4875
Email WebsitePantry Hours Monday - Friday 1:00 - 3:00pm
Must have referral from The United Way 757-594-4636.
For more information, please call.
Immaculate Conception Catholic Church
View Website and Full Address
Hampton, VA - 23666
(757) 826-0393
Email WebsiteThe parish food pantry distributes bags of groceries ( 1 per adult) to residents of Hampton.
Hours: The 4th Saturday of the month9:30 am - 11:00 am
Requirements:Please bring a photo ID.
Each person may receive a bag every 30 days. We also offer a free hot meal every Sunday from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm to anyone.
For more information, please call.
The Foodbank of the Virginia Peninsula
View Website and Full Address
Hampton, VA - 23661
(757) 596-7188
Email WebsiteHours: Monday and Friday8:00am - 4:30pm
For more information, please call.
Grove Christian Outreach Center
View Website and Full Address
Williamsburg, VA - 23185
(757) 887-1100
Email WebsiteHours: Tuesday 1:00pm - 6:00Friday 9:00am - 1:00pm
For more information, please call.
Bethel Worship Center Church International
View Website and Full Address
Portsmouth , VA - 23703
(757) 483-9697
Email WebsiteHours: Tuesday and Thursday5:00 pm to 6:00 pm. Rain or Shine.
Drive-up and pop your trunk we will take it from there!
For more information, please call.

The first call to make when you're facing an emergency housing crisis. The Hotline will connect you to resources to help your specific situation.
Local: (757) 587-4202
James City, Williamsburg, or out of area: 1 (866) 750-4431
The 2024 Point in Time Count was conducted across the 6 jurisdictions that comprise the Greater Virginia Peninsula Homelessness Consortium (GVPHC). During the 2024 Point in Time Count, partner agencies and volunteers counted 412 persons who were experiencing homelessness, which is a 14% decrease over the 2023 count of 480 persons.
Learn more by visiting the links below:
GVPHC 2024 Point In Time & Housing Inventory Report
GVPHC 2024 PIT/HIC SnapshotAccess to your community’s homeless crisis response system can be attained via the primary contact number. Click the directory or the link to the interactive map below and find your locality.
Elizabeth Spach
Tenants and landlords have legal protections under the Virginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act (VRLTA). The VRLTA applies to most residential rental properties in Virginia.
As a renter, there are certain rights and responsibilities that come with renting a home in Virginia. A summary of these rights and responsibilities can be found by clicking on the Statement of Tenant Rights and Responsibilities link. For more detailed information on the rights and responsibilities, please refer to the Virginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Handbook. The handbook provides further information on the rental process.
Before signing a lease, prospective tenants should read and understand the terms of the contract. Consulting a lawyer or the landlord for clarification of the rental agreement is advisable.
Starting July 1, 2020, all landlords must offer the Statement of Tenant Rights and Responsibilities to any prospective tenant. Both the landlord and tenant must sign a form at the end of the statement acknowledging that the tenant has received from the landlord the statement of tenant rights and responsibilities. The written rental agreement will be effective on the date that the form is signed by both parties. Landlords must provide a copy of the signed Statement of Tenant Rights and Responsibilities and a copy of the written rental agreement within one month of the effective date of the rental agreement.
If you feel that you have been discriminated against in a housing transaction, contact the Virginia Fair Housing Office or Virginia Relay 7-1-1.
PORT Shelter Program, LINK, Inc. (Winter Shelter Program)
10413 Warwick Blvd. Newport News, VA
Rotating shelter sites from November to March. Information on shelter sites and transportation available on website). No referral needed. Shelter times are from 6 PM until 6 AM. Sleep on mat on floor, dinner and breakfast served, and no shower services. In the morning clients are taken to Four Oaks Day Centre.
Avalon Center for Women and Children
P.O. Box 1079
Williamsburg, VA 23187
H.E.L.P. House
317 Rip Rap Road
Hampton, VA 23669
H.E.L.P. is a non-profit organization that ministers to the dignity and needs of the people in the Hampton Roads community by providing assistance in the areas of housing, food, assistance and health and dental care.Judeo-Christian Outreach Center
1053 Virginia Beach Blvd.
Virginia Beach, VA 23451
Serves single men and women but will take small families. Call for space availability.Menchville House
P.O. Box 22687
Newport News, VA 23609
EmailPeninsula Rescue Mission
3700 Huntington Ave.
Newport News, VA
Single men only.
Salvation Army Rehabilitation Center
5524 Virginia Beach Blvd.
Virginia Beach, VA 23462
Serves single men. Recover-based program. Work in exchange for room and board.Transitions
P.O. Box 561
Hampton, VA 23669
Serves women and women with children that are experiencing domestic violence. Will take homeless women and children if room is available. Referrals made through the hotline.Union Mission
130 Brook Ave.
Norfolk, VA
Single men and women.

ADDICTION has created a resource of free rehab options for those struggling with substance abuse. What's different about their list is that it provides information on non-profit, free, or cost-reduced facilities only. Many sites don't speak on the extreme costs those struggling with substance use disorder go through. This resource can be helpful for those with no insurance, low-income families, people without housing, among others.
Addiction Resource
Raises awareness of the dangers of addiction and helps local communities stay drug-free
Military Veterans Substance Abuse and Addiction Awareness
Boca Recovery Center
Boca Recovery Center understand the stigmas around addiction and created a guide that answers important questions like:
- What is addiction?
- What causes addiction?
- What evidence-based approaches to treating addiction are the best?
Start Your Recovery
Find local support and treatment options in Newport News, Virginia
Hear stories from individuals with similar life experiences
Learn about recognizing and dealing with substance misuse
The first step towards sobriety for most in recovery is detox, where the body is cleansed of the substances that are polluting it.
Master Center for Addiction Medicine
Master Center offers Virginia’s most comprehensive outpatient treatment available in multiple locations as well as telehealth for recovery at home. Confidential, same day appointments are available. Addiction is treatable.
- has created a resource of free rehab options for those struggling with substance abuse. What's different about their list is that it provides information on non-profit, free, or cost-reduced facilities only. Many sites don't speak on the extreme costs those struggling with substance use disorder go through. This resource can be helpful for those with no insurance, low-income families, and people without housing, among others.
Alcohol Awareness
April is Alcohol Awareness Month, and wanted to put together some information about this topic. What they made is a research article comparing the dangers of drunk driving, drowsy driving, and distracted driving. The guide has great information, check it out below:
Socal Sunrise
Socal Sunrise has put together an excellent guide and education tool for individuals struggling and families who are talking with teens about drinking. Learn about the dangers of binge drinking at the link below.
Vaping 101
A useful guide that also supports the cause of promoting a healthier lifestyle through education and awareness
Byte is an organization obsessed with what keeps us all smiling, dental health.
It's no secret that both smoking and alcohol abuse can negatively affect your overall health. Specifically, these addictive behaviors can also affect your oral health from stained teeth, gum disease, tooth decay, and ultimately risk for oral cancer. They've created two informative guides that discuss the effects of smoking and alcohol abuse on your oral health.
Wavelength Recovery
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, vaping is rapidly growing among teenagers, with approximately 40% of high school seniors reporting that they used a vape device within the past year.
Wavelength has created a resource on teen vaping and what parents need to know which you can see below:
Free or Low-Cost Counseling in Newport News
Innerbody - Eric Rodriguez
Eric Rodriguez from Innerbody has written an article for those thinking about using online therapy and how to get the most out of it. Online therapy has been around for years, but telehealth platforms have surged in popularity during COVID-19. Today, there are numerous online options for clients seeking support.
Read his article at the link below.

You're not alone
Whether you have struggled with suicide yourself or have lost a loved one, know you are not alone. Hear about personal experiences from people in your local community whose lives have been impacted by suicide.
Are you in a crisis? Call 800-273-8255 or text TALK to 741741
We can all help prevent suicide. The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals in the United States.
What to Do When You're Feeling Hopeless or Thinking About Suicide
Free or Low-Cost Therapy in Newport News
The Trevor Project
The Trevor Project provides 24/7, free and confidential support for LGBTQIA+ youth (ages 13-24) in distress, offering suicide prevention, crisis support, and resources, via phone, text, and chat.
Call: 1-866-488-7386
Text: 678-678
Child Protective Services (CPS)
How to Report Child Abuse or Neglect
Virginia: 804-786-8536
Out-of-State: 1-800-552-7096
Local Departments of Social Services
Virginia Relay enables people who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, DeafBlind, or have difficulty speaking to communicate by TTY (text telephone) or another assistive telephone device with anyone who uses a standard phone.
TTY: 800-828-1120
Voice: 800-828-1140
Captioned Telephone Service: 877-243-2823
Speech-to-Speech: 866-221-6784
Visually Assisted Speech-to-Speech: 800-855-8220
Spanish: 800-855-8200
Related Links
Child Abuse & Foster Care Prevention
CPS Accountability System Reports
CPS Appeals
CPS Forms/Applications
CPS Manuals
CPS Publications
CPS Reports & Studies
Child Death Review
Domestic Violence Guidance Manual
Gun Safety (PDF)
Mandated Reporters - Training & Resources
Permanency Matters Newsletters
Safe Sleep 365
Shaken Baby Syndrome
Water Safety (PDF)The goal of Child Protective Services (CPS) is to identify, assess and provide services to children and families in an effort to protect children, preserve families, whenever possible, and prevent further maltreatment. Child Protective Services is non-punitive in its approach and is directed toward enabling families to provide adequate care for their children.
Local departments of social services are responsible for receiving reports of abuse and neglect; conducting investigations to determine the validity of the CPS reports; and providing services that enhance child safety and prevent further abuse and neglect to families and children.
CPS also develops statewide public awareness and education programs and administrates state and federal grants to prevent abuse and neglect.
Child Abuse & Neglect Hotline
The Virginia Department of Social Services operates a statewide Child Protective Services (CPS) Hotline 24/7 to support local departments of social services by receiving reports of child abuse and neglect and referring them to the appropriate local department of social services. The CPS Hotline is staffed by trained Protective Service Hotline Specialists.
Anyone can report suspected child abuse or neglect to a local department of social services or to the CPS Hotline. Callers will be asked to provide as much information as possible about the child, the alleged abuser and the incident. You are not required to give your name when you make the report, but if you do identify yourself, the local department of social services will be able to contact you for further information if needed and will be able to inform you of actions that were taken.
Each report is sent to the proper local social service agency to be evaluated to determine whether the report information meets the legal definition of child abuse or neglect and whether CPS has the authority and responsibility to conduct a family assessment or an investigation to determine the child's immediate safety needs and to determine if the family needs services.
Criteria for Child Abuse
Alleged victim is under the age of 18 at the time of the report
Alleged abuser is in a caretaking role
Alleged abuse or neglect meets the definition of abuse or neglect as defined by the CPS laws, regulations and policy
The Virginia Department of Social Services local agency has jurisdiction to respond to the report
Hotline Numbers
In Virginia:(804) 786-8536
Out-of-state: (800) 552-7096
Recognize the Signs of Child Abuse
National Center for Missing & Exploited Children's CyberTipline
Call 1-800-843-5678
National Sexual Assault Hotline: Confidential 24/7 Support
or call 800-656-4673
National Sexual Assault Hotline Chat
Talk to someone live and anonymously.
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Hours: 24/7. Languages: English, Spanish, and 200+ through interpretation service
The Hotline
Spousal Abuse Laws
Transitions Family Violence Services
Address: 240 Chapel St, Hampton, VA 23669
Open ⋅ Closes 5 PM
The Center for Sexual Assault Survivors
Address: 718 J Clyde Morris Blvd B, Newport News, VA 23601
Open ⋅ Closes 5 PM
Love The Tree of Life
Now Open!
Low-cost medical services, mental health services, recovery support, spiritual support, free showers, snacks, haircuts. Accepting new patients. Located ato 2016 25th St, Newport News
Free or Low-Cost Counseling in Newport News
Innerbody - Eric Rodriguez
Eric Rodriguez from Innerbody has written an article for those thinking about using online therapy and how to get the most out of it. Online therapy has been around for years, but telehealth platforms have surged in popularity during COVID-19. Today, there are numerous online options for clients seeking support.
Read his article at the link below.
Bon Secours In Motion post-partum physical therapy treats the following conditions:
Pelvic pain
Urinary incontinence/leakage
Diastasis Recti
Back pain
Fecal incontinence
Pelvic organ prolapse
Rehabilitation post-cesarean section Painful episiotomy/scarring/tearing
Painful intercourse
Call 757-886-6480 to talk to one of our team members about a treatment plan that is right for you. Most insurances are accepted. No physician referral is necessary!
In Motion at Mary Immaculate Hospital - 2 Bernadine Dr., Newport News, VA 23602
In Motion at Boo Williams Sportsplex - 5 Armistead Pointe Pkwy, Ste B, Hampton, VA 23666
Early AM and late PM sessions are available.-
According to the CDC, an estimated 1 in 345 children born will be diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy in the United States alone. Individuals who are born with Cerebral Palsy will require health services such as physical or speech therapy. It's imperative that parents with children with cerebral palsy educate themselves on all options available to their children.
To help support these families, Cerebral Palsy Guide created a resource that can help those affected by cerebral palsy and other developmental disabilities. The page outlines several different types of therapies that can assist in the treatment of these conditions.Cerebral Palsy Treatment - What Are The Treatment Options? (

We're in the news sharing what we do best in the community and we're ALWAYS looking for people like YOU to join our initiative.

The Emergency Services Program is a walk-in, offering essential support with our food pantry, clothing closet, and stock of common household goods.
No referral is required.
Dedicated to providing fast and affordable housing solutions to homeless individuals/families and veterans, as well as emergency services.